One is the innocent girl (giggles when you receive her teddy from the random box where she moves it to another location) or as her zombie form (the voice that comes up when you get droppables from zombies eg. Samantha came back as a kind of ghost zombie with two forms. It then proceeded to tear apart the two and soon they were both dead. He then went insane and sealed the two of them in the room and released the zombified Fluffy. Whilst Ludvig and Samantha were arguing Edward slowly backed out of the room. Ludvig and Richtofen were doing experiments on Fluffy when Samantha entered the room. The dogs appeared at the teleporters as Hellhounds. Fluffy then had numerous babies which were all used in the teleporters, including Fluffy. Ludvig bought her a puppy named Fluffy, secretly intending to use the dog and it's offspring (Fluffy was pregnant) as new test subjects for the teleporters. Maxis had a daughter called Samantha Maxis. Maxis was testing the zombies behavior all tests failed.

At the time Richtofen was developing the Wunderwaffe DG-2, the Ray-Gun(possibly the DG1), the Random Weapon Box and the Monkey Bomb. The scientists at Der Riese including Ludvig Maxis and Edward Richtofen were trying to find out what had happened to their test subjects. Some scientists at Der Riese got their hands on some zombies to test on. The scientists tested the teleporteres on SS Honor Guard soldiers, however, they didn't appear at that other end and some DID appear where they were supposed to, but were reverted to a zombie-like state. The story starts with Der Riese (which is 'The Giant' in English) where German scientists are developing teleportation devices to help win World War 2.