Watch the passion of christ movie
Watch the passion of christ movie

watch the passion of christ movie

Jesus himself was a Jew, Mary was, The man that helped Jesus carry the cross was Jewish, Veronica the woman that brought Jesus water and wiped his face was, and many Jews were screaming in the crowd against the torture and crucifixion of Jesus.

#Watch the passion of christ movie movie#

Basically all the ''Good Guys'' in the movie are Jewish. If anything, the Romans of that time are portrayed horribly though realistically, and they are the ones that made him suffer tremendously before his death. He was born to die, and there is no blame to be placed on anyone. He could probably have escaped from Gethsemane or even the cross if he truly had ''powers''. It is made evident that it was Jesus' prophecy and destiny is to die. But the movie is not anti-semitic for these reasons: 1. The movie can be considered anti-first-century-Romans, and anti-Sanhedrin, but I did not feel the movie was attacking the Jewish religion, or the entire Jewish people. I simply didn't buy the fact that Pilate would be so nice. The thing that made me see why people were criticizing Mel Gibson for was that instead of spreading the blame somewhat on the Jewish high priests Sanhedrin and mostly on Pilate, 99% of the blame was put on the Sanhedrin, which seemed false to me considering that historically it is known that Pilate was a vicious monster, and in the movie he seems like a gentle person and reluctant to crucify Jesus.

watch the passion of christ movie

I don't think anyone can say that every single hit upon Jesus didn't affect him/her somehow.As for the anti-semetism in the movie, I didn't find it was as bad as everyone is making it out to be. As Jay Leno said on his show the other night, when Jesus was hit it felt like WE were being hit as opposed to other violent movies were you feel like YOU are the one hitting the person.

watch the passion of christ movie

Mel Gibson did not exagerate the violence or make it look like horror movie or Kill Bill violence. The movie shows what Jesus actually went through for all of mankind's sins according to Christianity. The movie is about the suffering/passion of Jesus, and turning the camera away would not have an impact on you. But, the violence I feel was absolutely necessary. Some scenes of torture last about 10 minutes when you feel you've seen enough after 30 seconds. If you are the type of person that cannot bear violence, this is definately not the movie for you. This R-Rating is very well justified and an NC-17 would have made sense. It is brutal, gory, and quite possibly the most violent work in cinematic history.

watch the passion of christ movie

Mel Gibson did an incredible job as a director and he truly was brave for taking on this project despite all the controversy.As for the two main concerns of most people, the ultra-violence, and the alleged anti-semetism these are my views on the two.Everything people are saying about the violence is true. The flashbacks truly had an emotional impact on me.While watching this movie I forgot about everything else in the world. The Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew languages, and wonderful cinematography made you really feel like you were in first century Jerusalem. Instead of a squeaky clean version of the life of Jesus it was a realistic and heartbreaking portrayal of his final hours. It had a middle-eastern feel to it, and was timeless and beautiful.Most aspects of the movie were perfect to me. Experience.The cast was absolutely flawless, Jim Caviezel gave a powerful performance as Jesus, Maia Morgenstern as Mary brought me to tears, and even though Monica Bellucci spoke only a few lines, her performance and beauty astonished me.

Watch the passion of christ movie